What Is A Small Group?

A Small Group is 3-12 people who meet regularly to learn more about Jesus, share life together, pray, and serve. Our small group ministry exists to create authentic Christian community. Mercer Creek groups are designed to meet five specific needs:

  1.  A place to live out the one another commands. (John 13:34-35)
  2.  A place to give and receive. (Romans 12:3-8)
  3.  A place to grow. (Matthew 22:38-39)
  4.  A place to encounter God. (Genesis 1:27)
  5.  A place to succeed together where one alone would fail. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

What type of Group?

We have men's, women's, couples, and mixed groups. We hope every person at Mercer Creek will be a part of a group. You decide which type of group is the best fit for you. 


Fill out this FORM and someone will be in touch to discuss options with you.

Questions? Contact:

We are excited to partner with RightNow Media, the world's largest online library of bible study videos. 

You can think of RightNow Media as Netflix for the church with more than 20,000 videos available. This library has videos for many different topics: Personal Devotions, Marriage, Relationships, Finances, Youth, Leadership, Tons of Kids Content, and so much more! The best thing about RightNow Media is that it's FREE for you to use. Click here and sign up today!

Join A Group

Groups meet at different times throughout the week all over Kittitas County in homes, restaurants, and at the church. We would love to help you find a group that is a good fit for you. Many of our groups take a break over the summer. Contact Sign up for a small group today! All our small groups relaunch in September. 


Want to be a small group leader?